We're offering our member cooperatives a variety of tools to help provide their members with customized savings information. Electric vehicles represent a significant economic development and carbon reduction opportunity across our service territory, Associated want's to help communities realize these benefits. The calculations below are an example of one savings scenario, select your electric provider below to estimate your unique savings opportunity.

Select your provider to see how much you might save with an EV.

Atchison-Holt Electric Coop
Barry Electric Coop
Barton County Elec Coop
Black River Electric Coop
Boone Electric Coop
Callaway Electric Cooperative
Central Missouri Elec Coop
Co-Mo Electric Coop
Consolidated Electric Coop
Crawford Electric Coop
Cuivre River Electric Coop
Farmers Electric Coop
Gascosage Electric Coop
Grundy Electric Coop
Howard Electric Coop
Howell-Oregon Elec Coop
Intercounty Electric Coop Assn
Laclede Electric Coop
Lewis County Rural ECA
Macon Electric Coop
Missouri Rural Electric Coop
New-Mac Electric Coop
North Central MO Elec Coop
Osage Valley Elec Coop Assn
Ozark Border Electric Coop
Ozark Electric Coop
Pemiscot-Dunklin Elec Coop
Platte-Clay Electric Coop
Ralls County Electric Coop
Sac-Osage Electric Coop
SE-MA-NO Electric Coop
SEMO Electric Cooperative
Southwest Electric Coop
Three Rivers Electric Coop
Tri-county Electric Coop
United Electric Coop
Webster Electric Coop
West Central
White River Valley Electric Coop

Access Energy Coop
Chariton Valley Electric Coop
Southern Iowa Elec Coop

Central Rural Electric Cooperative
Cookson Hills Elec Coop
East Central Oklahoma
Indian Electric Coop
Kiamichi Electric Coop
Lake Region Electric Coop
Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coop
Ozarks Electric Coop
Verdigris Valley Elec Coop